Friday, March 4

Bungalow Remodeling....{Kitchen Makeover} PART FOUR

Patience…what is the meaning of that word??? *sigh*….



bearing provocation, annoyance, misfortune, delay,hardship, pain, etc., with fortitude and calm and withoutcomplaint, anger, or the like.

I thought the process of a {small, mini} kitchen makeover would go a lot faster….BUT... it has not.  The light fixture is up {YAY}, the paint is on the walls, wood floor down…

and yet

the backsplash needs to be put up, shelving installed, and accessories up (fun part)

I'm learning the song I taught Miss B {VERY WELL}

"Have Patience"

PLAY <<<<click here

(make sure the volume is up)

Have patience, have patience
Don't be in such a hurry
When you get impatient
You only start to worry
Remember , remember that God is patient too
Just think of all the times when others wait on you

…just a peek


Comments are {loved}.