Wednesday, January 19

{Silhouette Tutorial}

Lovin' me some Saturday Crafting Time!!!  

This past Saturday, on my Facebook page I asked if anyone was crafting and what where you planning on doing?  I then informed you that I was going to work on some silhouette images of Miss B. 
You all informed me that you would like an EASY Tutorial!!!  I was excited that all of you were so interested. I've been wanting to take the time out of my busy schedule to work on some crafts around the house. And let me tell you they keep adding up!

So, Saturday I had some free time around the house with Miss B and I decided to sit down and go through some pictures in my iPhoto Album (that is a whole other story ~ pictures are overwhelming in number!!!)
 Like they always say, 'you can never have too many pictures'.

{Is that a saying or did I just make that up??}

What you will "need" for tutorial 
(Guess what? It's free)
  • PICNIK ~ online photo editing suite
  • Picture ~ TIP:  I found that using a lighter background (white) is best for getting a perfect silhouette.

    Choose your picture

 This one was taken on our Beach trip this past summer.

 Upload your picture to Picnik (you do not need to sign up)

After your picture has been uploaded, use the CROP tool

Go up to the CREATE tab. We are now on our way to having a perfect silhouette (Excited?)


Under the CREATE tab there are several things that you can do to your picture.  For the silhouette we are going to use the EFFECTS tool. Click it.

You will see how you can make your picture Black and White, Sepia, boost, etc. Scroll down to SANDBOX EFFECTS 

keep going.....

            there you go...... 
                     you are almost there....

                           made it?...Great! it

Ok, there are MORE effects! Click the ADJUSTABLE THRESHOLD it will change your picture..don't worry we are going to fix that :)

This is the part where you will use your creativity!!  Tinker with the BLACK AND WHITE THRESHOLD until you come up with something like this:

(see how it starting too look like a silhouette?!?) 

Once you come up with a good outline click APPLY

Off to finish this beauty!  We are still going to stay under the EFFECTS tool. Scroll up to DOODLE. We are going to get rid of all those black dots in the background and fill in the face.

Let's start with the background.  Want it all clean and white.  Change your brush color to white. Now you can make your brush larger or smaller by changing the brush size.  Go ahead and CLEAN BABY CLEAN!!!! Once you are satisfied click APPLY.

Last step! Aren't you proud of yourself??? Staying with the DOODLE effect. Change your brush color to black.  We are going to fill in the face. Satisfied?? Make sure and click APPLY and SAVE.

TADA!!! You did it!!!!! Now you can count up all the money you saved by you completing this project instead of having an expensive professional do it for you.  AND you will proudly know that you did it! 

I'm still brainstorming on how I will use my silhouette.
  • Burlap pillow
  • Frame it
  • Cards
  • Lamp shade (Yes, I did say lamp shade)
  • Shirt for Miss B
  • ...All the above??  OK!!!!  haha...I believe that will be a liiiitttttlllleee too much.
What do you plan on doing? I would love to hear from ya!  Pictures of your finished project!  When I finally figure out what to do with mine I'm going to blog about it...I would love to use your pictures too!

{Enjoy this project for personal use only (Decor, accessories, gifts, etc.) Please do not copy and reuse for sale.  Thank you.}

Here is a collage silhouette that I just completed for my sister-in-love (aka: sister-in-law)

(Collage was made using Picnik)

Grandbuddy and Asher


  1. I can't stand it!!! I wanna try RIGHT NOW but have other pressing things to do first... thank you soooo much for taking time out of your very busy life to post this for all of us! xoxo

  2. Hey just wanted to let you know I nominated you for an award over at my blog!

  3. Tiffany, your the best...and so very kind!!! Thank you!

  4. Very, very cool. I'll have to give it a try.

  5. Love this! You have just made this seem so much easier to do! I definitely have to try this with a picture of my granddaughter. Thanks for the tutorial!

  6. Kathy, thank you! I would love to see what you come up with!!

  7. love love love this.... i am doing a post in june for re-purposing frames with silhouettes... can i link back to this for more instructions?? thanks for sharing!!

  8. Absolutely fantastic post. Thanks

  9. This is a really helpful tutorial, I love how easy-to-follow it is.


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