Monday, February 28

Let your creative spirit free...

This lovely, spring weather moving in has not only messed with my sinuses but is making quiet excited for SPRING!  The shop will soon be filled with lovely colors of purples, greens, blues and corals…please bare with me as I am still in the {design phase}…but soon, very soon.

I believe this has to be my absolute favorite time of the year.  Love rainy afternoons, thunderstorms, going to flower nursery's and picking up flowies (even though I know I will forget about them and become lazy in keeping them alive) So wish I had a green thumb like my grandmother.  Guess one day when I am older and have more time on my hands (HA) I can take up gardening :)  But for now I will stick with crafts and sewing…the talent for this moment.  Although,  I can take care of artificial flowers and greenery quite well!     Which leads me to this wreath I've GOTTA make (Pottery Barn Remake)

           Interested in a Tutorial…anyone?

Look how precious this centerpiece is!!

…love the little white gate..too cute for words

Instead of the "Happy Easter" eggs you could dangle small picture frames!  hmmm…so many projects, soo little time…

Can you tell I just received my Pottery Barn magazine in the mail :0)

Sunday, February 27

Daddy's Girl…the {sweetness} in life

This weekend, Mr. Adkins (Daddy) and Miss B were just too cute with their matching outfits that I just HAD to take a few pics.  Miss B and I haven't seen a lot of daddy lately due to the pressing school/rotation schedule he has been on…i'll spare you the details and just say..he leaves before we wake up, walks in the door at 6:30 to dinner, plays with Miss B while I clean up the dishes…then off to studying he goes.  It can be stressful for him sometimes…feeling as though he neglects or doesn't spend enough time with us.  Well, Mr. Adkins all Miss B and I have to say about that is you are working full time to provide a future for your family and we are very, very grateful.  We LOVE you. 

…hope these make you laugh, daddy.


Friday, February 18

Fast and Easy Recipe...Yellow Rice, Black Beans and Pico De Gallo

It's the weekend ~ Yay!!! We are on our way to visit my family in TN...CANNOT WAIT

Well we're not going yet ~ Miss B and I drove with Mr. Adkins to the hospital where he has rotations...FUN.   That meant waking up at 5:45 and leaving at 6:45...ewww.   We did it so he would not have to back track and pick us up.  To pass the time, we are sitting in a Mc Donalds parking lot soaking up the WiFi so I can make this blog entry....(oh, you know you do it too :0)    Miss B is determined not to take a nap and is serenading me with delirious sounds...haha.  She is really being a jewel.  

I have been meaning to create this post for a while but just could not come up with a name for this recipe!  So, since it still does not have a name we will just call it this:

Yellow Rice, Black Beans and Pico De Gallo (Sausage Optional)


Yellow Rice, Black Beans, Pico De Gallo with Italian Sausage
(sorry that is a mouth full...but it's good)

Servings: 4


Red onion or yellow
2 cans of Black Beans
1 large package of Saffron (Yellow) Rice
Italian Sausage

To make Pico De Gallo:

Follow this Recipe 

(NOTE: I only use the tomatoes, jalepenos in the jar, onion, cilantro, salt and pepper)

Place 2 cans of black beans in saucepan.  Warm.

In another saucepan, cook rice according to back of package.

(don't worry, I cooked this before 2/4/11 :0)

In skillet, brown and cook sausage.


Once everything is completely cooked, chopped, diced and rice on plate first.  Then top with black beans and pico de gallo.  Serve with sausage.  If you prefer, roasted chicken is delicious with it too :0)

Get ready to enjoy a world of flavors...It is truly delicious!
{my mouth is waterin' and it's only 10:57 am!}

Thursday, February 17

{SPRING} Feevaaaa

So we have a little over a month until SPRING!!!  Quite excited :)  Introduced the first Spring 2011 camera strap cover design to the shop this week:


Your friends will be "Pea Green with Envy" ;P

Also, switched the ruffle color on the Classy and Sassy

Loving this color!!!

I've got a lot of new designs for Spring coming up...need more hours in the day to create them!  Please be patient :0)  (Mother of a 2 year old who is trying to help her understand that the potty is our friend)

Have you checked out our PDB Deals section in the shop??  They are  flying out the door!  Guess you like them :0)  PDB Deals are 50% off the regular price ~ you are practically stealing these...nah I just like you to much!

On another note, wanted to inform you that the car seat canopy's will be leaving the Polka Dot Bungalow :0(  It was a very hard decision for me to make but I'm now gearing the shop completely over to Camera Strap Covers.  SO, with that tough announcement out of the way, once the car seat canopy's sell out they are goooonnnneeee and will not return.  

Please visit the SHOP for other designs...only a few left!

Monday, February 7

Something {NEW}

Another Monday....start of a new week!  Hope you all are enjoying the Giveaways as much as I like giving you the chance of winning!!  This past week was a very BIG week with A LOT of orders...10 on Friday!   WOW!  Due to the extreme popularity of the ruffle camera strap covers with rosettes I have had to push back my turnaround time from 3-4 business days    to 7-10 business days.  You can definitely say the Lord has His hand on the Bungalow.  I would like to say a great BIG Thank You to all my lovelies, fans and followers who take time out of your busy  schedule to comment or send a sweet compliment.  You all are truly the best.  To my sweetheart for life {Mr. Adkins} thank you from the bottom of my heart for going to the Post Office when I have are Awesome!

Sweet Tart...Valentine's Special

This was a very popular item...(notice the 'was') It sold out this weekend!  So happy that you all enjoyed the treat.   Some other treats are in store for this month...keep watching!!!!

Evy's Tree

Thursday, I had the honor of "meeting" via email correspondence  ~ Amy from Evy's Tree!!  I along with so many others have been a long time fan of hers.  She is truly incredible and a very talented designer and so sweet!  Her hoodies are B.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l to say the least.  Anything with ruffles...Count me in ~ I'm there!  If you have not browsed through her shop, please take a few minutes (you will stay longer :0) and check out her beauties!  Spring designs will be entering soon...The Polka Dot Brilla Collection! And let me just warn you...You will want ALL of them...I do...haha...Definitely saving for the Watermelon and Black and White Polka Dot ones.

She also has a BLOG and Facebook page!  Gotta follow!!

PDB Deals {The Something New..Part}

Let me explain:  The deals would include products that are slightly imperfect. Now and again, I get carried away with the jazz music playing in the bungalow, or Miss B sneaking up on me and bellows out a loud 'ROAR' ( she wants to desperately scare me, even though I know she is there) I giggle and make a crooked stitch.  Only until I start ironing and reviewing the product  do I find the "cosmetic blemish" ~ such a disappointment! Errrrr...which leads me to this. I have a few camera strap covers that cannot be sold at regular price. They either have a crooked seam or the ruffle is not as "ruffly" as I'd like, etc.   I just can't stand to see them wasted or thrown is your chance on getting a camera strap cover with minor imperfections (that will in no way alter its functionality)  at a great discounted price.  These products will be 50% off the regular price.  

Anyone interested? Would LOVE to know what you think. 

The Tinkerer 

Friday, February 4

Bungalow Remodeling....{Kitchen Makeover} PART THREE

This post is long overdue!!  My apologies ~ it's been a busy, busy week.  I'll start of by saying there is new paint on the walls of the kitchen...and it is PERFECT!  

...a lot better than the yellow...huh?

Paint color we chose:

Smoked Oyster

Next step: Hanging the new light fixture ~ the paint color will look amazing with the correct lighting!!

{old fixture}'s cute, but not for a kitchen.

{new fixture}

Tuesday, February 1

{Giveaway...Not just ONE but 2}

The Polka Dot Bungalow {shop} just celebrated it's First year anniversary back in January 2011.  Wow, hard to believe that it has been one whole year!  I have enjoyed it every moment of the way.  Some of my favorites along the way have been:

To say 'Thank YOU' and help you celebrate my Anniversary, I have not just ONE but 2 Giveaways going on RIGHT now!  They are both for a camera strap cover of your choice!!!

FIRST Giveaway is Here 

{ends February 5, 2011}

Second Giveaway is Here 

{ends February 7th, 2011}

{Have you entered???}